Membership includes all live summits, recordings, Meet The Sponsors podcasts, member calls, deck & proposal reviews, networking events, and 1-on-1 coaching during sponsorship negotiations.

$87 Monthly
$870 Annual

Sponsorship summits & recordings

Members receive passes to all live summits and have access to all prior summit recordings.

Members also can help plan summits to meet the guests and panelists involved.

Monthly member calls and networking events

Membership includes member Zoom calls (occasionally with sponsors).

Access to networking events during SEMA, PRI, races, and events.

Deck & proposal reviews & coaching

Members receive deck and proposal reviews.

Members receive a private Zoom call and follow-up coaching prior to meeting or negotiating with new sponsors.

Meet the Sponsors podcast

Members can attend live Meet the Sponsors podcast interviews and ask the guests questions.


While the cost of membership rises with demand, the price never goes up for current members. That price is locked in forever once you sign up.


$87 Monthly
$870 Annual